donderdag 27 december 2012

Sports Shoes

For this assignment we had to draw sports shoes. You first had to make sketches of different kinds of sports shoes. Then you could start on a larger piece of paper. I chose basketball shoes. There very colourful and I like the background. My brand for the shoes is Fresh. Because they have fruits on them. In the background you can see a part of an orange. It connects all the drawings of the different sides of the shoe.

maandag 24 december 2012


What had to do for this assignment was make a poster. I first made a sketch with a pencil on a small piece of paper. After that I used a bigger piece of paper en I used paint. On the poster you could see the words Make your own... and then there was a kind of stamp next to it with Cupcakes Candy and Chocolate.
Under it there were a painted cupcake, chocolate, and more sweets and and lollypop. My mark for this assignment was an 8 and I'm very happy with it.
(It's a real shame I lost it)


woensdag 3 oktober 2012

Personality in a square

Our last assignment that we finished, is a square with different things about yourself.
You had to draw in a square of 20 cm. This is that had to be in:
1. A drawing of yourself.
2. Something in your room.
3. Something you have in your bag.
4. A drawing that has to do with your hobby/hobbies
5. Your name.
6. Something you could choose yourself.

My drawing
But the tricky thing was to connect all of these in a way. I drew raibow curve lines!
And then I coloured them black and white, and drew flowers.

 ↑  Here is my drawing


zondag 15 april 2012


 This is the picture of my sandwich! We had to take a picture of a sandwich an draw and paint it in class. It was really funny to see al the different sandwiches. Because'it's not really clear what is on my sandwich I'll explain. I made a kind of Elvis sandwich with peanutbutter and banana with chocolate sprinkles on it! We mostly have art just before the 30 minute break so we got really hungry while doing this assignment :).

This is the painting of the sandwich. Of course I made it look nicer than it actually is with the colourful napkin. I got a 7,5 for the painting. So I guess it looked really tasty! I'm happy quite happy with my mark. Although my paint looks a bit different than the sandwich was in real.

last assignment year 1

maandag 26 maart 2012

Itten's Colour Theory

my colour mixing-sheet.
This is my colour mixing-sheet.
I liked the colour mixing because it was hard making the colours just the way you want them. I got a 7 for this painting.
It looks really nice with all the colours next to each other. Next time I have to work a bit neater for a better mark.


We learned about the theory of Itten in the lessons we were working on this. The colour theory of Itten says that their are 3 primary colours; blue, yellow and red. These make al the other colours that there are. For example; Green is made up out of blue and yellow. Green is one of the secondary colours, the others are orange and purple. The other colours are all tertiary colours.

Johannes Itten.

This is a picture of what mr. Itten looked like.
 His full name is Johannes Itten. He was a Swiss artist, teacher and designer. He became 79 years old. He was born Südern-Linden on the 11 of November in 1888 and died in 1888. Mr. Itten worked at a school in Berlin called Bauhaus for 3 years(1919-1922), but then he stopped working there after a fight with his boss. Shortly after that he published a book about his colour theory, and that's how we know about the colour theory of Itten. The people in Berlin thought his theory was great and even called a school the Johannes Ittenschule! (1925.)

maandag 30 januari 2012

Paper Money

A few weeks ago we got a assinment for making your own money on a piece of paper.
this is what mine looked like:
we had to put in alot of patterns. I think I did that very well! First we had to draw it with a pencil. After that we needed to use ink and a pen! My first paper was ruined.(I put to much ink on it.)But this one is ok. And next time I'll be more carfull!
  from Dara                               

donderdag 5 januari 2012

Graffiti Art

                                                                                                    Graffiti Art
This is my graffiti piece.
I think my mark for it was oké. I had a seven!
I like the way I coloured it the is harldy any white in it.
But I think it doesn't really look like graffiti.
There still are a few things I would change if I could do it agian.